Prevention of Human Trafficking for High Risk Youth
9:00 AM09:00

Prevention of Human Trafficking for High Risk Youth

  • Lucas County Children's Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The workshop focuses on providing participants with the tools to identify at-risk to high-risk youth with open child welfare cases and how to locate and assess for high quality community based human trafficking prevention programming in which to link teens. The presenter provides 8 elements to look for in effective human trafficking prevention programming.

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Understanding Which Youth are at Risk for Sex Trafficking and Responding
9:00 AM09:00

Understanding Which Youth are at Risk for Sex Trafficking and Responding

  • Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

With limited time, money, and resources, advocates need to know which youth are at the highest risk for sex trafficking and then do their best to prevent it. The presenter will provide the audience with a new and free human trafficking risk assessment tool (HTRISK) developed at the University of Toledo’s Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute with support from the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund and will provide instructions on how to administer and score it. Findings from use of the tool on over 400 Ohio youth will be presented. Once understood, the majority of the session will be devoted to discussing effective ways to implement programming and policies aimed at reducing risk, increasing protective factors, and removing the barriers to serving youth at high-risk for sex trafficking.

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2019 Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference
to Sep 20

2019 Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference

  • Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr Williamson founded the International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference in 2004 to bring together researchers, practitioners, and individuals with lived experience in an effort to lay the groundwork for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development.

To date, the trafficking conference has welcomed attendees from 42 states and 30 countries to learn from researchers, survivors, and social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals about human trafficking and social justice topics. It now serves as the oldest and largest academic conference on human trafficking in the world.

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