Episode 20: The Unsinkable Sarah Ladd: Navigating the Hostile Waters of Change
There is a story about a baby floating down a river. The compassionate helper frantically grabbed the baby, warmed it, clothed it, fed it, and found it a home. But soon there was another baby and another. Others joined in to help. Finally, another compassionate helper said, "I'm going up stream to find out who is throwing the babies in the water, and stop it." When Sarah found herself overwhelmed with the need she saw in the children she worked with in other countries and the weak laws and policies in place, she decided to focus on breaking through the wall to create better responses. She went upstream. Persistence, courage, confidence, compassion, and a laser focused strategy is what catapulted Sarah Ladd to engage in critically impactful human trafficking work in the U.S. and around the world. Listen to Sarah Ladd’s journey from taking a study abroad course and international jobs to graduating law school and working in the anti-trafficking field. And look out for more of Sarah’s story in Part II next week!